Salient Features
- These conveyors are designed for re-circulating baggage continuously in the same loop.
- These conveyors can accommodate a wide range of items, from Passenger bags, cardboard boxes, soft luggage and bundled items to packing cases and packaged goods.
- At Airports these Conveyors can be used independently or in conjunction with Belt Conveyors or X-ray machines both for Arrival Systems (Baggage Claim Conveyors) or Departure Systems (Makeup Loop conveyors).
- System Integration and Automation with other Systems are also possible.

Technical Specifications
- Slat width (mm) : 950 mm
- Pitch of slat : approx 304.8 mm
- Slat material : Rubber
- Slat top finish & colour : Smooth Black Colour
- Load capacity Kg / meter : 35 Kgs / Metre
- Speed (meters/min) : approx. 20-25 meters/min
Advantages over other similar products
- Conveyor is very price competitive.
- Low noise and vibration due to superior Computer Aided Design.
- Variable Frequency Drive is used for smooth Start and Stop Operations of the system and good torque characteristics of the System.
- Caterpillar Drive ensures Positive engagement.
- Precision Sealed for Life Bearings are used.
- Least number of parts and quickly installed.
- Height can be easily adjusted and Minor Floor Variations can be accommodated.
- Low number of moving parts hence less wear and tear hence less maintenance.
- High Efficiency Systems hence Low Running Cost and less maintenance.
- Lower Motors Capacities to run the system which translates into energy savings and almost maintenance free operations.
- All MS parts are either Galvanised of Painted to prevent formation of Rust and giving good Aesthetics to the System.